Well, it's been some week for me on both the warrior and rogue.
I finally got into a 10 man raid of ICC with some guildies who have been running it for a while.
7/12 now, and we had to skip the plague area due to the dogs being linked together. So when we tried pulling 1, the other jumped in as well. Even if we tried to drag the first down the stairs and away, the 2nd just jumped on us. So after 3 or 4 attempts in there, we gave up and carried on into the next wing.
here is a screenie for you
I managed 3 upgrades on this run also they were
Saurfangs Cold-forged Band
and also the honored ring of the ashen peoples.
The next time I was on, I managed to get into a For the Alliance run, I've always wanted to do one for these so I could get rid of my black elekk
I am successful :) so a black war bear for running around PvP'ing on
Finally our weekly raid is Sarth so I managed to join a group for this ( I got the patchwork one for the previous weekly, I only started playing last March/April, so never been through Naxx)
everyone in the raid died, that last person 1 sec after downing the boss
Here is a random shot of my UI during the ICC raid
Finally onto the rogue and what he's been upto this week.
Mostly I was just running around in WSG to get up to level 20 and try to get a couple of achievements. One of which was Ironman, the other was wrecking ball. Both achieves that I haven't managed to get on Rynaa
As you can see I managed to get 1 of the 2
And then the weird one, was in another WSG and then as soon as the flags were available, a warlock grabbed it and then it was capped, all before I could run out of the tunnel (with the speed boost)
As you can see from the screenshot, it was all over in 3 mins, so I'm not sure what they were doing, but it is a huge bug in my opinion
Looking forward to running ICC 10 again this Friday, and making it a permanent commitment for me.
everyone out there have fun
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6 years ago
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